Pakistani palak gosht

How to prepare Curry Beef Spaghetti - Pasta


1 box Spaghetti1 pound Boneless Beef Sirloin Steak about 3/4 to 1 inch thick
2 cloves Garlic
2 tablespoons canola Oil (or vegetable oil); divided
3 cups broccoli
1 medium Bell Pepper cut into 1/2-inch thick strips
1 medium onion cut into 8 wedges
2-3 teaspoons ginger minced
1 14 oz can coconut milk
1/4 cup red chili paste
1 red chili minced; or other hot chili pepper
chopped roasted peanuts


Cook Spaghetti according to directions. Drain it and put it into a pan.
Meanwhile, cut Boneless Beef Steak into small pieces and dip these pieces in garlic paste.
put 1.5 teaspoons oil in big pan over medium heat. Add half beef; cook these small pieces of beef for 2 minutes . Remove from pan. Repeat the process with remaining beef.
Add broccoli, bell pepper and onion. Cook it for 1 minute and then add 2 tablespoons water; continue cooking for 1 minute now add chili pepper, ginger, combined coconut milk and chili paste to pan, boil it on low heat for 3 to 5 minutes until vegetables are crisp-tender. .
